Lighting Class 101 – 01-18-25


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SKU: L101 Category:


Studios on Seventh Photography Lighting Class 101

1) How to use 1 light and the different results that can be obtained with only 1 light.
2) An explanation of commonly used lighting terms. Learn about the effects that these lighting styles can provide.
3) An overview of the different types of studio lights, softboxes and equipment available.
4) This is a 1 (one) day class.
5) This class is a mix of instruction and practice with the emphasis on practice.
6) The only thing you will need to bring is a camera and your favorite portrait lens.

When: 18th January 2025
Where: The Studios on Seventh, 63 South 7th Street, Emmaus, Pa
Fee: $100.00
Questions? Please contact David Holt (609.510.7655) or Dave Frei (610.703.7132)
Class Size: 12 maximum